- CURSOR instructions (Adelia context and Visual/Web/Cloud context), LOAD_SQL_LST, LOADING, MANAGE_SFL_SQL:
- *GROUP_BY clause handling GROUP BY has been added. *COL clauses relating to aggregate functions can also be used in these contexts.
- If these instructions use *COL clauses, the element can now be referenced by its sequence number in the *SORT clause.
- Numeric assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /= have been added.
- Alphanumeric assignment operator ///= has been added for concatenating the expression in the target (with space deletion).
- Visual/Web/Cloud - getter/setter in Adelia classes:
- Getters can now be used in assignment and condition expressions rather than only in simple assignments.
- A getter syntax can now be used on several levels.
For example: varef.getAttriClass1().getAttri2(), varef.getAttriClass1().setAttri2('myvalue'). - A REF_CLASS attribute can now be instantiated via the NEW operator without having to define a sub-class instance variable.
For example: oFamily.setFather(NEW PERSON())
- Visual/Web/Cloud - Configurable management rules: A procedure can now be created with a name made up of one or more management rule parameters.
For example: PROC_RGG_:01_:03 - Visual/Cloud: The VaToolBxGetTextMetrics function for retrieving text metrics for a specific font has been added.
Batch Search/Replace utility
The multisource search/replace tool searchReplace is a command line tool for performing searches or replacements in an environment's whole source code.
You can apply selection criteria to the objects to be found or replaced.
Searches and replacements can be performed using regular expressions.
The tool has a "preview" mode showing the result of the operation without actually modifying the environment.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Correction manager:
- A selection filter has been added to the "Description" column.
- Information has been added about the build component the classes, programs and messages in the correction manager belong to.
- CDM: Import into CDM from LDM now makes it possible to import logical properties with no conceptual origin even if the logical entity they belong to is from the CDM.
- Find objects: A search by label criterion has been added to the "Using programs" section:
- Object search, Multisource search: A "Label" column has been added in result and total tabs.
- Adelia Web/Web services debugger: In the Attach to a Web session box, the name of the Web application is displayed in the list.
- Quality manager: When quality rules are included during verification or generation, rule violations stemming from the expansion program are now visible in the verification phase.
- Adelia Cloud - Menu Bar graphical object: In the Search tool, highlighting results in the search list is no longer accent sensitive.
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