This menu is part of the menu bar of the Adelia Studio window.
This menu presents the tools associated with Adelia Studio Visual and Web runtime.
Client Configuration
This opens the window to set the execution context of client programs of VADELIA, SADELIA or WADELIA type on this machine.
Server configuration
This opens the window to set the execution context of server programs of VADELIA, SADELIA or WADELIA type on this machine.
Middleware daemon
This option launches the Middleware daemon on port 910, in console mode, which allows server programs of VADELIA, SADELIA or WADELIA type to run.
Caution: If the Middleware daemon is already running through the Windows service "Adelia - Middleware", opening it in console mode will fail, and vice versa.
Managing updates
This option opens the update management tool to set up automatic updating of a Visual Adelia application, under the program installation manager.
Data copy tool
This option opens the window for easy transfer of data between various sources of different types.
This tool makes it possible to bring back AS/400 file data into an SQL micro base (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.).
Database management tool
This opens the window for simplifying the deployment and daily management of databases, in particular those created by the Adelia product.
Execution parameters
This opens the Visual Adelia interface configurator to manage print settings of batch programs, language settings of interactive and batch programs generated in C language, parameter control for calling programs and external functions, and the parameters related to displaying Adelia error messages [ERROR, ANOMALY, WARNING].
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