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This menu is part of the menu bar of the Adelia Studio window.


This menu presents the tools associated with Adelia Studio Runtime iSeries to run Adelia iSeries programs generated in C language.


Note: the Runtime iSeries menu is not displayed by default. To display them, in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hardis\Adelia /IWS" registry key (Windows 32 bit), create a value with the name "ShowIWSShortcuts", of DWORD type, and assign it the value "1".


Interface configuration

This option opens the interface configurator to define certain execution parameters for the graphical interface, as well as information relating to the "date" format for Adelia iSeries programs generated in C language.


Client-Server configuration

This option opens the window for configuring the file read by the program generated by Adelia , which is used to locate the data files (client side) and the file containing the parameters necessary for the AS/400 server when connecting (AS / 400 server side) for Adelia iSeries programs generated in C language.


Copying files

This option opens the window for copying a database file to another regardless of their respective" physical location", or their type (AS/400 or Btrieve).



This option opens the DspDbr window to display the description and the relations of a Btrieve file.


Query manager

This option opens the window for consulting and editing database files (AS/400 or Btrieve).


AS400 server

This option launches the AS400 server.


Btrieve server

This option launches the Btrieve server.

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