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The Translation manager's Help topics tab lets you translate the help topics for the extracted Visual Adelia programs belonging to the current environment (objects and windows) into the current language.



To open the translation page for a program's help topics, click the Help topics tab in the Translation manager window.


Note: You cannot access this page unless one or more translation languages have been created. It will be blank if no constants have been extracted from the environment and no help topics have yet been displayed using a selection.

In addition to "Translation manager", the main window's title bar will contain the current environment name and the current translation language.


Data entry

Position to

Search argument allowing positioning in the object list.


Note: The Translation manager is case-sensitive.



List of objects with a help topic

Visual Adelia objects for which a help topic has been created. The term "Object" here refers to Visual Adelia's graphical objects (buttons, lists, input fields, etc.) and Visual Adelia program windows.

The objects are set out in four columns:


Type of object for which the help topic is to be translated:

CTR  control

WIN  window


Name of the program containing the graphical object in the case of a control belonging to a Visual Adelia program
the name of the program containing the window.


Name of the window containing the control for which the help topic is to be translated, or the name of the window with an existing help topic.


Name of the control with a source help topic, in the form:
GraphicalObject[property]. This field will be blank if the line is for a window help topic.


This will be checked if the current object's help has already been translated into the current language.


Description of the program containing the object.


Objects are sorted in ascending alphabetical order.

Select the object whose help topic is to be translated.

Double-click one of the objects to translate its help topic, or else click the right mouse button and select the Translate option. Extended-selection list.


Notes: You can select or deselect several non-consecutive objects by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the left mouse button.

You can select all the objects in the list by double-clicking a column heading.

You can sort in ascending or descending alphabetical order by Object or Name by clicking the left or right mouse button on the corresponding column heading.


Context-sensitive menus

List of objects with a help topic


This option lets you translate the selected help topics.




This option opens a dialog box that lets you select the programs whose help topics you want to display in the Help topics tab.

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