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This option removes the selected items from the report and keeps them available in the clipboard to place them again later with the Paste option.

This option is not available when no object is selected.

Keyboard shortcut: Shift+Del.



This option does not remove the selected items from the report but copies them into the clipboard to place them again later with the Paste option.

This option is not available when no object is selected.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Ins.



This option places on the screen the items stored in the clipboard by the Cut or Copy options.

This option is not available when the clipboard is empty.

Keyboard shortcut: Shift+Ins.



This option deletes the selected objects as well as the selected "block" or "lines".



This option deletes all the fields of the selection.

It can only be accessed if the "block" or "line" selection mode is active, and if a block or a line at least is selected.



When one or several fields are selected, this option adjusts them to the left, to the right, or centers them. This is performed with respect to the left-hand or right-hand limit of the first selected field, or with respect to the center of this first field.

This option is equivalent to the justification icons of the tool bar.

It can only be accessed in "field by field" selection mode.

Keyboard shortcuts:

To the right:


To the left:





Creation mode

This option is equivalent to the button located on the right of the tool bar; it is intended for selecting the creation of constants or of user-defined variables .


Modify logical origin

This option modifies the logical origin of the selected fields. The selection can only contain variable fields.


Select all

This option selects all the objects present on the report.

It can only be accessed in "field by field" selection mode.



This option places on the report variables or formats from the corresponding album.

Keyboard shortcuts:






It also places the following items on the report:

    • the system date,

    • the system time,

    • the page number,

    • the program name,

    • the user name,

    • the job name,

    • the program title (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+T).

Note: The action of placing repository variables or formats on the report must be preceded by the creation of the variable and format albums; see the Album menu.


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