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The NatsToolBx DLL functions library is used to interface with the NATS message broker. The library is used to send messages and requests, create or modify JetStream streams and consumers, and to create synchronous subscriptions. It does not, however, enable asynchronous subscriptions to be managed. This role is handled by the NATS graphical object which provides event support.

Encoding parameters in the options list

  • An options list is a set of key/value pairs, separated by a separator character (semi-colon for a first-level list, and comma for a second-level list). The key and the value are separated by a colon.
    Examples: key1:value1;key2:value2 for the first level and key1:value1,key2:value2 for the second level.
  • If the key value is not provided, the key is interpreted as a boolean with a "true" value. Example: denyPurge;denyDelete is the same as denyPurge: true;denyDelete: true .
  • If the separator character in the list (; or ,) needs to appear in a key value, it must be encoded in html: the semi-colon ; is encoded %3b , the comma , is encoded %2c ).
    For example, to encode the a,b,c value for the meta1 metadata value, the correct encoding is:
    ...; metadata: meta1: a%2bb%2bc, meta2: ... .
  • Parameters representing a size in bytes can be provided with a unit (in bytes): g (gigabytes), m (megabytes), k (kilobytes). For example, 1k for 1024. The unit is indicated as an output by the query functions. If the unit is not specified, the value is considered to be in bytes.
  • Parameters representing a time limit have nanosecond precision and can be provided with a unit: d (day), h (hour), m (minute), s (second), ms (millisecond), µs or us (microsecond), ns (nanosecond). The unit is indicated as an output by the query functions. If the unit is not specified, the value is considered to be in milliseconds.

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