Adelia Studio tools are the following:
The CDM to create or modify the Conceptual Data Model.
The LDM to work with the Logical and Physical Data Models.
The Object manager to create or modify the various objects required (tasks, programs, management rules, functions, macro-instructions, graphical objects, logical servers, error messages, transaction templates, report templates, program templates, reports, page layouts and resources).
The Screen sequencing graph (SSG) to structure interactive Adelia programs and generate screens.
The Question/Answer programming interface to build programs easily, in compliance with the selected standards.
The Screen layout manager to design transactions for interactive Adelia programs.
The Report layout manager to design reports for batch programs.
The Visual Adelia Layout manager to create graphical windows for Visual Adelia interactive programs.
The 4GL Editor to develop the various objects of an application.
The Job manager for generation and compilation.
The AS/400 and/or PC application generation.
The Exchange manager to send or receive objects or models to or from another environment.
The Transfer manager to work with transfers between the AS/400 and PC buffers.
The Documentation manager to create technical documentation folders based on object descriptions and specific documentations.
The Maintenance manager (or object search) for performing searches on objects and intervening on the results of these searches.
The Version manager for working with corrections across various environments.
The Translation manager for translating the constants in programs.
The Installation program manager for creating self-installing programs.
The Source comparison tool to compare the 4GL source.
The Adelia ILE debugger and the Visual/Web debugger to debug, respectively, Adelia programs generated in RPG, Visual Adelia and Adelia Web programs.
General diagram of Adelia Studio functionalities:
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