To specify the generation options relative to the management of (display, program or data) files, click the Characteristics button of one of the corresponding dialog boxes used to:
Radio buttons
End option
These radio buttons are used to select the type of program end:
LR |
End indicator. The program is deactivated. |
RT |
Return indicator. The program remains active in the main memory, and the files opened by the program remain open. |
Generate I/O error
These radio buttons are used to select the type of management for Input/Output errors:
Yes |
The system generates an error indicator for all Input/Output operations. |
No |
The Input/Output errors are not processed, or are processed by the routine specified at the level of the file parameters. |
Read |
The system generates an error indicator only for read instructions. |
Date format
The date format is selected in the associated list.
Values available:
The format is the format specified in the system values. |
Display as day, month and year. |
Display as month, day and year. |
Display as year, day and month. |
List of the files used in the program.
The files preceded with "**" are display files (transactions) or printer files (reports).
To define the access options for a file, select the latter in the list, then check the required radio buttons.
Single-selection list.
Check boxes
Program Info DS
Checked |
Adelia generates a DS containing the program data. |
Cursor management gen.
This check box is used for programs written with Adelia version 4, where the @NULIG and @NUCOL variables are used to retrieve the cursor location (instead of the *LINE_NO and *COLUMN_NO reserved words).
In this case, the box must be checked.
Generate the interface functions of graphical lists
This box (only active with Interactive Visual Adelia programs) must be checked if the program's graphical lists are to be manipulated via a LIST type GRAPHICAL_OBJECT variable.
Note: When the program is generated, a warning is issued if a graphical object with a LIST property is assigned to a GRAPHICAL_OBJECT variable but this option is not checked.
The warning indicates that the object's LIST property cannot be manipulated via the GRAPHICAL_OBJECT variable.
Checked |
The file is opened under commitment control. |
This option is not valid for display or printer files.
Checked |
The information DS of the file is accessible. |
Note: If the INFODS instruction is used in the program on a view referencing the selected file, there is no need to check this box.
Checked |
The file is explicitly opened by the program (4GL instruction: OPEN). |
Checked |
The file will be accessed on the file name. |
Not checked |
The file will be accessed on the format name. |
Checked |
The file must be generated with the BLOCK(*YES) option. |
Semi-checked |
The file must be generated with the BLOCK(*NO) option. |
Not checked |
The BLOCK option is not supported for the file. |
Default: box not checked.
The BLOCK option can be used to control the management of the records associated with the file on a block-by-block basis.
The value BLOCK(*NO) is represented by an 'X' in the file list.
Displayed data
Name of the file selected in the list.
Description of the file selected in the list.
Data entry
Processing error
Name of the subprogram processing the access errors of the selected file.
Optional entry.
This button opens a dialog box which is used to configure the CRTRPGPGMOD command.
This button opens a dialog box which is used to configure the CRTSQLRPGI command.
This button opens a dialog box which is used to configure the CRTPGM command.
It is not active for programs that are assigned to an SRVPGM task.
Click here for more information on SRVPGM tasks.
This button updates the list with the selections made for the selected file.
It is not active when no file is selected in the list.
Modify (validation)
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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