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This option lets you split one constant into several (one for each program to which the original constant is attached).


Important: Only software engineers with the *ADM_TRAN authority will be able to access this option.



To split a constant:

  1. Select the program containing the required constant in the Extracted programs using a constant dialog box of the Translation manager.

  2. Select the Split option from the box's context-sensitive menu.


When it extracts the constants, the Translation manager "merges" any constants that have the same text into a single constant, although it keeps a record of each constant's source. The purpose of this automatic "merge" is to simplify the translation process, inasmuch as a given text generally has the same translation, wherever it appears.

However, this is not always the case, and in some contexts the translator may want to distinguish between two constants and translate them differently.

By splitting constants, you can create new constant groups and give them different translations according to the programs in which they appear.


After splitting constants, the translator may decide to merge them again. You can do this using the Merge option from the context-sensitive menu in the Details tab of the Translation manager.


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