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To work with:

  • the programs of the current application area, choose the Programs tab of the Object manager and select the All programs radio button.

  • the programs assigned to a task, select the Programs option in the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Tasks tab of the Object manager.

Important note: When you call the dialog box while working with tasks, the Attach and Detach options are replaced with the Assign/Attach and De-assign options.


Next task

Displays the list of programs for the next selected task in the list in the Tasks tab.

This button is only active if more than one task is selected and the end of the selection has not been reached.

Radio buttons

Task's programs

This button displays the name of the task to which the program list corresponds, in the adjacent field.

All programs

This button displays all the programs for the current application area, in the list.



The list includes:

    • the programs attached to the current application area, providing the dialog box is called from an application area. Programs assigned to SRVPGM tasks are not displayed as their management is made via the tasks.
    • the programs attached to the current task, providing the dialog box is called when you work with tasks.

Programs are classified in alphabetical order.

For each program, the following information is displayed:

    • its name,
    • its type,
    • its description,
    • its object name (which corresponds to the JSP Object Name with Adelia Web (WA_I) programs, the Object File Name with Visual Adelia (VA_x and SA_x) programs, or the IBM Program Name with other program types (i.e. AD_x and **_x),
    • any build component the program is associated with.

The sort sequence can be defined by clicking the column headers of the list.

filter  located above the list can be used to limit the programs displayed.

The sort sequence and type of filter can be defined using the radio buttons located below the list.

Extended-selection list.

With correction environments, a check mark can precede each program name.

A red check mark shows that the program is being held by the default correction.
A black check mark shows that the program is being held by a correction other than the default correction.

Click here to see the detailed list of program types.

Context-sensitive menu

The following options are accessible at all times via the context-sensitive menu.

In addition, there may be buttons to perform the same actions on the right-hand side of the window, depending on the settings in the Create/Modify a software engineer dialog box's Preferences tab.

Note: if a source code repository is configured for the environment or for the current user, the list is enriched with a graphic indication of the synchronization state, and the menu shows additional options.

Click here for more information about integrating the source code repository.


This option opens a dialog box which is used to create a program.

If the tab is called from an application area, the newly created program will be automatically attached to the current application area.

If the tab is called from the Tasks tab, the newly created program will be automatically assigned to the current task.


This option opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the general characteristics of the selected program.

It is not active when no program is selected in the list.

Modify version

Opens a dialog box that lets you modify the version of all the selected programs.

This option is only enabled if one or more programs have been selected from the list.


This option opens a dialog box which is used to copy a program of the current application area.

It is not active when no program is selected in the list.


This option opens a message box which is used to confirm the final deletion of the selected programs.

When the deletion is validated, the list of programs is updated accordingly.

This option is not active when no program is selected in the list.


This option opens a dialog box which is used to select the program's data to be printed.

The printing job is submitted to the Job manager.

This option is not active when no program is selected in the list.


This option opens the Object manager's tab for working with the tasks to which the selected program is assigned.

This option is not active when no program is selected in the list.


This option opens a dialog box which is used to attach one or several programs of the repository to the current application area.


This option detaches the selected programs from the current application area.

It is is not active when no program is selected in the list.

Important: When you call the dialog box while working with tasks, the Attach and Detach options are replaced with the Assign/Attach and De-assign options.


This option opens a dialog box which is used to assign and/or attach programs to a task.

It is only active when the dialog box is called when you work with tasks.


This option is used to de-assign the selected program from the task.

It is only active when the dialog box is called when you work with tasks, and when one or more programs are selected in the list.

Important: It is impossible to de-assign a program whose IBM name is over 10 characters long, or if it has an output parameter.

App. areas

This option opens a dialog box displaying the various application areas to which the selected program is attached.

This option is not active when no program is selected in the list.

4GL Editor

This option gives access to the 4GL source Editor.

It is not active when no program is selected in the list.


This option gives access:

It is not active when no program is selected in the list.

Layout mgr

For ADELIA programs or VADELIA batch programs (with reports of Adelia kind):

This option is used to access the Screen Layout Manager or Report Layout Manager, depending on the type of program selected (interactive or batch). An intermediate dialog box is displayed in order to select a program report or transaction.

For VADELIA batch programs (with reports of Crystal Reports kind) or WADELIA batch programs:

This option is used to access the Crystal Reports Designer. A first intermediate dialog box is displayed in order to select a program report.

This option is only active if one or more ADELIA, VADELIA batch or WADELIA batch programs are selected in the list.

Graphical attributes

This option opens a dialog box which is used for the automatic enhancement of all transactions, providing ADELIA programs are generated in C.

This option is only active when one or more ADELIA programs are selected in the list, and when the "Windows" generation was selected in the environment attributes.

Attach task

This option is used to attach the programs assigned to the selected task to the attachment application areas of this task.

This option is only active if the tab is called when you work with tasks.


Open a dialog box to specify labels to classify the selected programs.


This option opens a dialog box enabling the selected programs to be held by the default correction.

This option is only visible in correction environments.

It is only active when one or more programs are selected in the list and the user has a default correction.

Associate to a build component / Assoc. component

This option / button lets you select one of the following options:

    • None: Releases the selected programs from their respective build component, after confirmation.
    • List of the user's favourite components defined in the build component manager (only the components that can be modified by the user are displayed): Associates the selected programs with the build component selected in the list.
    • Other: Opens a dialog box that lets you select a build component among the components that can be modified by the user. The selected programs will then be associated with the selected component.

Filtered by

Radio buttons


This button lets you define the Name column as being the first column. Then, the program list is filtered by the name of the programs.

Object name

This button lets you define the Object Name column as being the first column. The program list's display filter will then filter the values in the Object Name column.


Check boxes

Level 2

If this box is checked, the Generate button starts the generation of the level 2 prototype.

Click below for further information about:


ADELIA programs

If this box is checked, you can select the language in which the source will be generated in the adjoining list box: Adelia RPG or Adelia C.

If the type of the selected program is VADELIA, SADELIA or WADELIA, the list box is not visible.

All programs

If this box is checked, the Generate button starts the source generation for the selected program.


If this box and the Source box are checked, the Generate button opens a dialog box which is used to specify the generation parameters for the selected program.


If this box is checked, the Generate button submits generation jobs for all the programs selected in the list.


This button starts the requested generations corresponding to the checked boxes.

It is only active when one or more programs are selected in the list, and if either the Level 2 or Source box is checked.

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