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This dialog box lets you display additional information about the constant to be translated.



To display details of the programs from which a constant is taken, you must either:

Note: If several constants have been selected in the Translations or Details tab, the analysis dialog boxes for the various constants will be opened consecutively. Pressing Enter lets you browse through the analysis boxes for the various constants selected.

You can stop the analysis sequence for a series of constants by clicking the active dialog box's  close icon (keyboard shortcut: Alt + F4).


Data entry


Name of the constant to be analyzed.




Name of the program(s) to which the constant is attached.

The following details are shown in separate columns:


Number of the transaction containing the constant in the case of Adelia programs, or

Name of the window in the case of Visual Adelia programs, or

Name of the Crystal Reports report or subreport, or

Name of the page for Adelia Web programs.



For Adelia programs, shows the constant's position on the layout, in the form "L" Line / "C" Column.

For Visual Adelia programs, name of the graphical object (and property) that contains the constant, or name of the Crystal Reports report's section that contains it.

For resources or Adelia Web programs, this column is empty.



Description of the program that owns the current constant. With dictionary constants, this column will be set to "Dictionary constant".


For Adelia programs or reports, width in characters (<characters> c) of the constant in the template (mask included).

For Visual Adelia interactive programs, width in pixels (<value> p) of the object containing:

      • The constant for the text of the CHECK BOX, BUTTON, FRAME, COLUMN and TEXT objects
      • The title and text of the RADIO BUTTONS LIST object frame
      • The WINDOW object title

In other cases, this column will be blank.


Note: you can use the horizontal scroll bar or maximize the window in order to access the last columns. You can also move the columns. These adjustments will be maintained until you close the translation manager.


Context-sensitive menus


This option lets you display the window or report that contains the constant.



This option lets you split a constant into several constants.


Application area

This option opens a dialog box containing a list of the application areas to which the program is attached.



    • The Split option is only active for software engineers with the *ADM_TRAN authority.
    • The Split option is not active for Resource-type constants.



The following two statuses reveal, for example in the case of a merged constant, whether or not the constant has been verified.


This option sets a constant to the validated status.



This option sets a constant to the non-validated status.




Closes the current window.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt  +  F4.

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