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Source file

Displayed data


Name of the file where the generated source will be stored.


Data entry


Name of the library where the generated source file will be stored.

For a first generation, the system provides the following defaults:


Check boxes

Implicit management rules


The RE, DE, UP and CR management rules are taken into account during program generation.

Default: standard choice made in the environment attributes.


Object file

Check boxes

Create object

This check box is used to accept or reject the creation of the object file.


The object will be generated.

Default: box checked.


Adelia debug

This box is used to determine whether the elements necessary in order to debug (using Adelia ILE debugger) the generated program are retained.


The elements are retained (i.e. debugging will be possible).

Default: standard choice made in the environment attributes.


Multilingual generation


The program will be generated in all of the translation manager's maintained languages. It will then be possible to run the program in those languages.

If the program has not been extracted in the translation manager: the box is unchecked and shaded.

If the program is public: by default, the choice is made in the environment attributes.

If the program is private: by default, the choice is made in the application area attributes (or in some cases inherited from the environment attributes).


Delete sources


The generated source files and modules are deleted once the generation procedure has been performed.


Data entry


Name of the executable object.

By default, the IBM program name entered when the program was created is proposed.



Name of the library where the program object will be stored.

For a first generation, the system provides the following defaults:


Display file

Check boxes

Create associated display file

This check box is used to accept or reject the creation of the display file associated with the program.


The display file will be generated.

Default: box checked.


Data entry


Name of the generated display file.

By default, the layout code (entered during the creation of the program) is proposed, followed by "FM".



CRTDSPF parameters

This button opens a dialog box which is used to configure the CRTDSPF command for the current program.





This button opens a dialog box which is used to specify the generation characteristics of a program.



Check boxes



The Generate button submits the generation job for the program.

This box is only active if the program generation was run from the 4GL Editor.

Default: box not checked.



Generate (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and starts the requested generation.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made or starting the generation.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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